Q CHAT-10 Online Test & PDF

The Q-CHAT-10 Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers contains 10 items, scored on a 5 point scale (0–4). The Q-CHAT was completed by parents.  Study for autism in toddlers aged 18–30 months old using the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT), The CHAT  is a short parent report questionnaire combined with a health professional observation.

QCHAT-10 Quantitative Checklist PDF

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only, The assessments on this website are not intended to diagnose autism or any  medical condition.


1. Does your child look at you when you call his/her name?

Question 1 of 10

2. How easy is it for you to get eye contact with your child?

Question 2 of 10

3. Does your child point to indicate that s/he wants something?(e.g.atoy that is  out of reach)

Question 3 of 10

4. Does your child point to share interest with you? (e.g. pointing at an interesting sight)

Question 4 of 10

5. Does your child pretend? (e.g. care for dolls, talk on a toy phone)

Question 5 of 10

6. Does your child follow where you’re looking?

Question 6 of 10

7. If you or someone else in the family is visibly upset, does your child show signs of wanting to comfort them?(e.g. stroking hair, hugging them)

Question 7 of 10

8. Would you describe your child’s first words as:

Question 8 of 10

9. Does your child use simple gestures?(e.g. wave goodbye)

Question 9 of 10

10. Does your child stare at nothing with no apparent purpose?

Question 10 of 10


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