IEP Evaluation Test & Process

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program, which is a document developed for each public school child in the U.S. who needs special education. The IEP is created through a team effort and reviewed periodically.

An IEP evaluation is a process to determine whether a student qualifies for special education services and what those services should include. This process is guided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which mandates that schools must evaluate students to determine if they have a disability and if that disability affects their ability to learn in a traditional classroom setting.

Here’s an overview of the IEP evaluation process:

  1. Referral for Evaluation: Typically, a teacher, parent, or school counselor may notice that a child is struggling academically or socially and will suggest an evaluation. Parents can also request an evaluation at any time.
  2. Parental Consent: Before the school can proceed with an evaluation, they must notify the parents and obtain their written consent.
  3. Evaluation: The evaluation process is comprehensive and may involve looking at the child’s performance in various areas, such as cognitive abilities, physical abilities, hearing and vision, social and emotional status, and academic performance. It might include observations, psychological tests, educational assessments, and other specialized assessments.
  4. Eligibility Determination: Once the evaluation is complete, the school will hold an eligibility meeting with the IEP team, which includes the parents, teachers, a school psychologist, and other relevant professionals. The team will determine if the student qualifies for special education services under one of the categories of disabilities as defined by IDEA.
  5. Developing the IEP: If the student is eligible, the IEP team will work together to develop an IEP tailored to the student’s individual needs. This plan includes specific educational goals, the services the child will receive, the plan for measuring the student’s progress, and the placement or the type of classroom that is considered most appropriate for the student’s needs.
  6. Implementation: After the IEP is written, it is implemented. Teachers and service providers are responsible for following the IEP.
  7. Review and Reevaluation: The IEP is not a static document; it must be reviewed annually to determine if the annual goals are being achieved and must be reevaluated every three years to determine if the child continues to need special education. Parents and other members of the IEP team may request a review or reevaluation at any time if they feel the child’s needs are not being met.

Following is our Free Online IEP Evaluation Test

Please Note : This is not a substitute for a professional evaluation and should not be used as such. In a real-world scenario, no questionnaire can definitively determine IEP eligibility without a comprehensive evaluation by qualified professionals.

IEP Evaluation Questionnaire

1. Does the student have difficulty with reading comprehension?

Question 1 of 25

2. Does the student struggle with basic math skills?

Question 2 of 25

3. Is the student having trouble with writing tasks?

Question 3 of 25

4. Does the student avoid or show a strong dislike for academic tasks?

Question 4 of 25

5. Can the student follow multi-step instructions?

Question 5 of 25

6. Does the student have difficulty making friends?

Question 6 of 25

7. Does the student struggle with playing cooperatively with others?

Question 7 of 25

8. Is the student able to understand social cues?

Question 8 of 25

9. Does the student often interrupt or intrude on others?

Question 9 of 25

10. Does the student respond appropriately to adult authority?

Question 10 of 25

11. Does the student have frequent outbursts or tantrums in school?

Question 11 of 25

12. Is the student easily distracted or unable to concentrate for long periods?

Question 12 of 25

13. Does the student act impulsively, without considering consequences?

Question 13 of 25

14. Does the student have difficulty transitioning from one activity to another?

Question 14 of 25

15. Is the student overactive or excessively restless?

Question 15 of 25

16. Does the student have trouble expressing themselves clearly?

Question 16 of 25

17. Does the student have difficulty understanding what others say to them?

Question 17 of 25

18. Is the student able to follow conversations with multiple exchanges?

Question 18 of 25

19. Does the student have difficulty with nonverbal communication (e.g., gestures, facial expressions)?

Question 19 of 25

20. Can the student engage in storytelling or recounting an event?

Question 20 of 25

21. Does the student need help with personal care tasks (e.g., dressing, eating)?

Question 21 of 25

22. Does the student demonstrate age-appropriate safety awareness?

Question 22 of 25

23. Can the student organize personal materials, like a backpack or binder?

Question 23 of 25

24. Does the student have difficulty completing homework or chores?

Question 24 of 25

25. Is the student able to manage time effectively

Question 25 of 25